When you couldn't see me.
September 18th 2023
Josie the cat, the source of my frustration

This is an image of a black cat that I took.

Her name is Josie.

I am watching her while my friend is away.

I send him photos when I visit her.

He's watching bands play songs in Chicago.

I hope it gives him peace of mind.

Josie is his whole world.

I got to see an old friend get married this past weekend.

Remember that bachelor party I went to?

Same guy.

He owns my neighborhood coffee shop.

I've known him for 12 years.

The gal he married is a gem.

I hope nothing but the best for the two of them.


My Grandfather arrived at home yesterday.

His blood infection is incurable.

He can't walk.

He lives on the third floor.

The elevator is broken.

But we'll take things as they come.

I'll see him this afternoon.


I got a phone call this morning from a number I did not recognize.

I hate getting phone calls from numbers I do not recognize.

I especially hate getting phone calls from numbers I do not recognize when there is a weeks-long medical catastrophe unfolding in slow motion and I can't do anything to make it stop.

They left a voicemail.

I listened to their voicemail.

The voicemail was from a person in HR at a company I'd applied to work at.

I called them back.

I have an interview.


My story isn't a new story.

Getting laid off is a sucker punch.

Loved ones dying is inevitable.

It all hurts.

But I will keep going.

I'm also taking this time to reassess my life.

And that is fucking scary.

But I will keep going.

And as my Grandfather says, I will "do a little good in the world.".




It's a silly thing to do, but I'm going to start keeping a list of songs on here.

I have a habit of listening to a song on repeat for hours.

I'll usually do that over the course of days to weeks.

Eventually, I extract all the value I can and discard the song for years.

I revisit them periodically.

I'm going to call the list "Wrung Dry."

Below is the first song in the list.

It is "Overboard" by Lo Tom.

Lo Tom is David Bazan.

David Bazan is Pedro the Lion.

His music feels like being a kid falling asleep in the car and knowing your Mom will get you home safe.

I generally love everything David Bazan does, but this is the only song on this record that I really got into.

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