Trip me as I speak
September 5th 2023
a golf course outside of a mountain town

This is an image of a golf course that I took.

The western mountains of the United States are stunning.

The first rule is you don't talk when people tee up.

Please don't move here, I already can't afford it.

I went to a bachelor party this past weekend.

We stayed in a large house in a mountain town.

A mansion if you will.

There was a racquetball court in the basement.

There were two ping pong tables.

I'm sure you can imagine the rest.

We went golfing.

I drove the cart.

I played a duet on the out of tune piano in the living room.

There’s a little bit of magic when you spend time with the right folks in the right setting. Everyone is along for the ride.

My friend picked me up Sunday morning.

He brought me Starbucks, an iced americano and an egg sando.

We stopped for water, alka seltzer, and gasoline.

I filled up his tank.

It was the least I could do.

Then I celebrated my partner's birthday with her family.

The weekend was a good break from compulsivly checking my inbox.

It is hard not to compulsivly check my inbox.

I had an interview last Thursday.

I think it went well.

I don't think I'll get the job.

That's okay.

It was for a Laravel gig.

I don't have any professional experience using Laravel.

What I do have is internet access and an interest in learning.

So I spun up a basic CRUD app using the Laravel CLI tool, Artisan Console, Breeze for user auth, Intertia for the front end, and a MySQL database. I deployed it all to the cloud using Forge and Digital Ocean.

Then sent a link to the repo and the deployed app to the recruiter.

He kicked it over to the Engineering manager.

And I got an interview.

So that was a win.

My intro to learning web dev was with Ruby on Rails.

Laravel and Rails sure felt similar.

I mean they both build monolithic SSR applications with tons of magic to help you out.

And I have a soft spot for Rails.

Helper modules blew my hair back.

They introduced me to the concept of service and presentation layers.

For example, when building using React components:

I'll cmd + tab into my terminal and in the root directory of my project run cd src/components && touch example.tsx

Then swap back to VSCode and toss in a little dummy component.

react dummy component

I'll import that component whereever I need it and do an idiot check to make sure that it is rendering as it should.

Next I'll wire up the inputs as controlled form, creating change and submit handlers.

react dummy component with logic

Wow that change handler looks super generic.

Maybe I should abstract that out into a service or a custom hook so that I can use it elsewhere in the application and keep my concerns seperated and my code human readable.

react custom hook with logic

Wowee now I can use this handler everywhere I'm going to create users.

There are a million ways you can do this. If it works, you have good server side validation, and you don't cross the streams between controlled and uncontrolled components, you are good.

Also, I miss reviewing PRs. It is my favorite time to learn from others and grow. It's a big thing I miss from my last job. I should probably contribute to open source or something.

This morning I got an iced coffee and a breakfast buritto with chorizo.

It was delightful.

Yesterday I applied to a billion jobs.

But I'm out here.

Still doing it.


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